Designing the Course Transformation Academy at Kennesaw State University

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Designing the Course Transformation Academy at Kennesaw State University

Kristina DuRocher, Scott Reese

Kennesaw State University

Based on experiences in Gateways to Completion (G2C) and institutional priorities, Kennesaw State University (KSU) created the Course Transformation Academy (CTA). This case study explores KSU’s process in developing the CTA. Our model focuses on milestones to measure progress, as well as developing an adaptable model of three stages that is open to courses of any level. In addition, our model integrates mandatory administrative support, the participation of all department faculty, and the involvement of students.

Learn more about Gateway Course Redesign

Designing the Course Transformation Academy at Kennesaw State University

Kristina DuRocher, Scott Reese

Kennesaw State University

Based on experiences in Gateways to Completion (G2C) and institutional priorities, Kennesaw State University (KSU) created the Course Transformation Academy (CTA). This case study explores KSU’s process in developing the CTA. Our model focuses on milestones to measure progress, as well as developing an adaptable model of three stages that is open to courses of any level. In addition, our model integrates mandatory administrative support, the participation of all department faculty, and the involvement of students.

Learn more about Gateway Course Redesign