English Composition (ENGL 1101) Course Redesign at the University of North Georgia

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English Composition (ENGL 1101) Course Redesign at the University of North Georgia

Ian Afflerbach, Matthew Boedy, Justin Barbaree, Molly Daniel, Ann Marie Francis, Laura Ng, J. Michael Rifenburg

University of North Georgia

The Gateways to Completion English Department Committee was charged with developing and implementing pedagogic intervention(s) in English 1101 (ENGL 1101) during Fall 2019 to lower DWFI rates with an eye toward equity in student outcomes. We redesigned the ENGL 1101 course with process pedagogy as an overarching pedagogical intervention. We piloted 18 sections of ENGL 1101 during Fall 2019 with macro-and micro-level interventions designed to support this overarching pedagogical intervention. Our mixed-methods assessment plan highlights the effectiveness of such an intervention for students’ learning while also highlighting adjustments to make as we scale up our redesigned course to additional sections of ENGL 1101.

Learn more about Gateway Course Experience® Redesign

English Composition (ENGL 1101) Course Redesign at the University of North Georgia

Ian Afflerbach, Matthew Boedy, Justin Barbaree, Molly Daniel, Ann Marie Francis, Laura Ng, J. Michael Rifenburg

University of North Georgia

The Gateways to Completion English Department Committee was charged with developing and implementing pedagogic intervention(s) in English 1101 (ENGL 1101) during Fall 2019 to lower DWFI rates with an eye toward equity in student outcomes. We redesigned the ENGL 1101 course with process pedagogy as an overarching pedagogical intervention. We piloted 18 sections of ENGL 1101 during Fall 2019 with macro-and micro-level interventions designed to support this overarching pedagogical intervention. Our mixed-methods assessment plan highlights the effectiveness of such an intervention for students’ learning while also highlighting adjustments to make as we scale up our redesigned course to additional sections of ENGL 1101.

Learn more about Gateway Course Experience® Redesign