G2C Case Study: VSU (Valdosta State University)

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G2C Case Study: VSU (Valdosta State University)

Cultural Transformation: The Unforeseen Journey from Then to Now

Shani P. Wilfred, Theresa J. Grove

Valdosta State University

When facing adversity at the institutional level, many faculty find it hard to be innovative and optimistic, which can hinder the institutional transformation that is needed to adapt to changes in the higher education landscape. The challenges facing Valdosta State University (VSU) are not unique to comprehensive universities; through our self-reflections our goal is to become more responsive and adaptive to future challenges, and by sharing our experiences we hope that other institutions can learn from our past. This case study provides an overview of the cultural transformation that is taking place at an institution to build momentum toward student success, stakeholder buy-in, identity development, and a plan for continued growth.

Learn more about Gateway Course Experience® Redesign

G2C Case Study: VSU (Valdosta State University)

Cultural Transformation: The Unforeseen Journey from Then to Now

Shani P. Wilfred, Theresa J. Grove

Valdosta State University

When facing adversity at the institutional level, many faculty find it hard to be innovative and optimistic, which can hinder the institutional transformation that is needed to adapt to changes in the higher education landscape. The challenges facing Valdosta State University (VSU) are not unique to comprehensive universities; through our self-reflections our goal is to become more responsive and adaptive to future challenges, and by sharing our experiences we hope that other institutions can learn from our past. This case study provides an overview of the cultural transformation that is taking place at an institution to build momentum toward student success, stakeholder buy-in, identity development, and a plan for continued growth.

Learn more about Gateway Course Experience® Redesign