Introduction to Psychology (PSYC 1101) Course Redesign at eCore

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Introduction to Psychology (PSYC 1101) Course Redesign at eCore

Carla Bluhm, Eric Wruck, David Biek, Jen Sands


During the course of an online Psychology 1101 revision, Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and designers created 10 multi-modal “Positive Thinking Corner” pages, each of which present a Positive Psychology topic relevant both to its lesson and to students’ lives. Videos, podcasts, and articles are linked, and students are offered their choice of two informal “reflections” to write, weaving their own experiences in with the material. The overwhelming positive student response has reinforced the notion that personalizing learning engages an emotional aspect that helps students bridge what is frequently a developmental growth spurt, particularly as it pertains to their self-concept and relationship to academia.

Learn more about Gateway Course Redesign

Introduction to Psychology (PSYC 1101) Course Redesign at eCore

Carla Bluhm, Eric Wruck, David Biek, Jen Sands


During the course of an online Psychology 1101 revision, Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and designers created 10 multi-modal “Positive Thinking Corner” pages, each of which present a Positive Psychology topic relevant both to its lesson and to students’ lives. Videos, podcasts, and articles are linked, and students are offered their choice of two informal “reflections” to write, weaving their own experiences in with the material. The overwhelming positive student response has reinforced the notion that personalizing learning engages an emotional aspect that helps students bridge what is frequently a developmental growth spurt, particularly as it pertains to their self-concept and relationship to academia.

Learn more about Gateway Course Redesign