Aaron Brower

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Aaron Brower served as Provost of UW-Extension from 2012-2018, (and Interim Chancellor of UW Colleges and UW-Extension during 2014). From 2007-2021, he was UW-Madison’s Vice Provost for Teaching & Learning. Brower remains a tenured professor at UW-Madison’s School of Social Work. Brower earned a dual Ph.D. in Psychology and Social Work in 1985 from the University of Michigan.

Brower has written 5 books, more than 50 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters, and received over $18M in grants to support his work. His scholarship demonstrates the academic and social outcomes produced when colleges blend in- and out-of-class learning – engaging the whole university to support the entire student. His current work develops a new educational approach that allows people to customize the unbundling and rebundling of education and training throughout their lives.

Listen to Aaron Brower's episode of Office Hours with John Gardner