Assessment Redesign and Programmatic Identity at Valdosta State University

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Assessment Redesign and Programmatic Identity at Valdosta State University

Julianna Edmonds

Valdosta State University

In this case study, I outline a redesigned assessment plan for the first-year writing program at Valdosta State University. Previous program assessments focused on single criterion writing issues, such as comma placement, MLA formatting, or source integration. As a newly hired first-year writing program coordinator, I designed a holistic assessment that would allow the Composition Committee to assess broader categories, such as rhetorical knowledge, as defined by the Council of Writing Program Administrators in WPA Outcomes Statement for First-Year Composition (3.0). This case study outlines the redesign process and considers assessment as a method for establishing programmatic identity within writing programs.

Learn more about Gateway Course Experience® Redesign

Assessment Redesign and Programmatic Identity at Valdosta State University

Julianna Edmonds

Valdosta State University

In this case study, I outline a redesigned assessment plan for the first-year writing program at Valdosta State University. Previous program assessments focused on single criterion writing issues, such as comma placement, MLA formatting, or source integration. As a newly hired first-year writing program coordinator, I designed a holistic assessment that would allow the Composition Committee to assess broader categories, such as rhetorical knowledge, as defined by the Council of Writing Program Administrators in WPA Outcomes Statement for First-Year Composition (3.0). This case study outlines the redesign process and considers assessment as a method for establishing programmatic identity within writing programs.

Learn more about Gateway Course Experience® Redesign