Ohio Inspiring Practices

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Ohio Inspiring Practices. The Role of Faculty in Student Success Summit. March 28, 2022 2-4pm et. Hosted by Capital University and the Gardner Institute
March 28, 2022
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Ohio Inspiring Practices

Thank you to everyone who joined us for this event. Many thanks to the conference organizers.

A Summit and Call to Action

The non-profit Gardner Institute and Capital University invite you to a summit and call to action. This discussion will look to Ohio as a replicable model to encourage participants in exploring; the definition of student success and the role of faculty in student success. Our goal is to inspire you to take action at your institution to clarify and be more intentional about this critical role.

The summit is a free, two-hour event open to the higher education community.
This summit is an outcome of a Pre-Conference Workshop on ‘The Role of Faculty in Student Success. This workshop preceded the conference on Inspiring Practices in Student Success which took place in February 2020 at Capital University.

As an outgrowth of that forum, this white paper was written. Focusing on current evidence from the field, with exemplars submitted by conference attendees in response to a call for Ohio “best practices.” “The Role of Faculty in Student Success” is the basis of this summit, and is available to download here.

This summit is an outcome of a Pre-Conference Workshop on ‘The Role of Faculty in Student Success,’ February 25, 2020. This workshop preceded the Conference on Inspiring Practices in Student Success, Capital University, Columbus. It is offered by Capital University and the John N. Gardner Institute for Excellence in Undergraduate Education. We invite you to join us for this summit on the Role of Faculty in Student Succes. There is no charge to attend this event.

On February 25, 2020, a special forum to focus on the role of Ohio Faculty in student success was convened, a pre-conference to the Ohio Promising Practices Conference. Forum participants working in small groups explored the many ways that faculty support student success. Attendees engaged in facilitated discussions on the roles and responsibilities of individual faculty members, of departments and institutions in supporting those faculty, and the larger higher education eco-system (disciplinary bodies, state regulators, accreditors, alumni, community partnerships, etc.) in supporting institutions of higher education, their departments, and the individual faculty who are trying to make a difference in promoting student success.

As a result of this forum, a white paper was written. This paper focuses on current evidence from the field, and the exemplars that were submitted by conference attendees in response to a call for Ohio “best practices.” This white paper is the basis of this summit, “The Role of Faculty in Student Success”.

As a result of the paper, we feel that there is no better time to be having robust discussions on Ohio campuses; and campuses across the country, about the roles of faculty in student success. On March 28, 2022, we will share our findings. It is our hope that Ohio faculty from all higher education sectors will continue to pursue this question in ways that they deem appropriate and will be encouraged by their own campus communities to further examine the role of faculty in student success.

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