Episode 122- Claire Major- Teaching, Learning, and Service

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Episode 122- Claire Major- Teaching, Learning, and Service

Office Hours with John Gardner

Claire Major builds programs and opportunities to support faculty in teaching and learning. She believes in better preparation by helping faculty learn about teaching and synthesizing research to apply to their work. Learn about what it takes to create a culture of teaching excellence.

Claire Howell Major is Professor of Higher Education and Director of the Teaching Academy at the University of Alabama. Her research centers on faculty work, pedagogical approaches, technology for teaching, and online learning. Major has authored and co-authored several books, including five with Elizabeth Barkley. Their newest work is titled Engaged Teaching: A Handbook for College Faculty. They also have four additional texts that comprise the College Teaching Techniques series published by Wiley/Jossey Bass:  Interactive Lecturing, Student Engagement TechniquesCollaborative Learning Techniques, and Learning Assessment Techniques.  She has also published Teaching Online: A Guide to Theory, Research, and Practice (published by Johns Hopkins University Press) and Teaching for Learning: 101 Intentionally Designed Educational Techniques to Put Students on the Path to Success (published by Routledge, with Michael Harris and Todd Zakrajsek). In addition, she has published several books on qualitative research methods. She has made over 100 presentations worldwide and is the co-founder of the K. Patricia Cross Academy (https://kpcrossacademy.org).