Episode 146- Jamia Stokes Leading Postsecondary Innovation in Tennessee

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Office Hours with John Gardner. Available February Jamia Stokes

Episode 146- Jamia Stokes Leading Postsecondary Innovation in Tennessee

Office Hours with John Gardner

Jamia Stokes works towards better support for students through all levels of education. She discusses SCORE, the Tennessee state collaboration in reforming education, and their current focus on education leading to a career.

At the time of this podcast recording, Jamia led SCORE’s postsecondary strategy, relying on her deep experience in higher education to build relationships in the field to ensure all Tennessee students have access to postsecondary opportunities that prepare them for a career. Jamia joined SCORE in 2022 as senior director of postsecondary pathways. Prior to that, she served as dean of student success at Rhodes College, worked as an admissions counselor at UT Chattanooga, and held positions at UT Knoxville in career services, teacher education recruitment/retention, academic advising, and student services. Jamia serves on the advisory board for the University of Memphis K-12 Schools and The Schools of Perea, a Memphis public charter school. A Knoxville native, she is a proud graduate of Tennessee public schools. Jamia earned a bachelor’s in communication and a master’s in public administration from the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, and holds a PhD in higher education administration from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.