Episode 65- The Student Learning Imperative

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Office Hours with John Gardner featuring Charles Schroeder

Episode 65- The Student Learning Imperative

Office Hours with John Gardner

Charles Schroeder discusses creating conditions for students to thrive by building trust and engagement. Listen to how the student affairs role has developed over time, developing initiatives such as the Student Learning Imperative.

Guest Bio

Charles Schroeder received his B.A. (Psychology and History) and M.A. (Psychology) degrees from Austin College and his doctorate (Education, 1972) from Oregon State University. For over three decades, he served as the Chief Student Affairs Officer at Mercer University, Saint Louis University, Georgia Institute of Technology and the University of Missouri-Columbia (MU). In 2001, he was appointed a Professor of Higher Education in the Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis Department at the University of Missouri. Following his retirement from MU, Schroeder became a Senior Executive at Noel-Levitz, a national higher education consulting firm from 2004-2006. He recently served as a part-time Senior Associate Consultant for Ruffalo-Noellevitz specializing in retention and student success strategies and interventions. In this role he has served over five dozen institutions. He currently provides pro bono consultations to Methodist and numerous other colleges and universities interested in improving retention and degree completion.