Equity in Student Success: Embracing the data. Guests: Douglas Robertson Professor, Florida International University Brigid Nulty Director of Guided Pathways, Shoreline Community College. October 4 at 2pm Eastern

Equity in Student Success: Embracing the data

Transformative Conversations

October 4- Equity in Student Success: Embracing the data

With the recent Supreme Court decision, institutions are working to maneuver through a very puzzling ecosystem.  As a response, our institutions are leaning more and more into the utilization and disaggregation of data through an equity lens, to unpack their institutional stories, and establish strategies and initiatives that promise student success for all student populations. Our guests Douglas Robertson and Brigid Nulty discuss their experience, institutional challenges and outcomes.


  • Douglas Robertson, Professor, Florida International University
  • Brigid Nulty, Director of Guided Pathways, Shoreline Community College