Honoring Victims of Gun Violence

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Honoring Victims of Gun Violence

It is with heavy hearts that the staff of the Gardner Institute extends its deepest sympathies to the families, friends, and communities affected by the recent Buffalo, NY, Santa Ana, CA, and Uvalde, TX tragedies.

We are disgusted that gun violence and racism continue to plague our country.

Actions such as these, and the sentiments that motivate them, should have no place in our nation.

We look to elected leaders from all parties to do their utmost to curb this brutal trend. The lives of people, especially our children, are not a political experiment or a “price for freedom.”

We pledge to honor these and all other victims of gun violence by donating to Everytown and Sandy Hook Promise – non-profit organizations dedicated to making communities and schools safer from gun violence.

We will also honor these victims and affect change through our work that is firmly focused on helping colleges and universities educate people so they can thrive in a free, inclusive, just, and safe society.

We invite other educators to join us in this cause.


