John N. Gardner and Drew Koch appointed to Council on Higher Education as a Strategic Asset (HESA) Positions

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The Council on Higher Education as a Strategic Asset (HESA) Appointment of John Gardner to Council Commissioner and Drew Koch as Strategic Advisor

John N. Gardner and Drew Koch appointed to Council on Higher Education as a Strategic Asset (HESA) Positions

June 6, 2023

The Council on Higher Education as a Strategic Asset (HESA) is a new organization developed as a strategy to advance the United States’ global competitive position in higher education. National leaders in higher education, government, business, the nonprofit sector, and the military have joined together with the goal of maximizing the impact of higher education on global competitiveness, national security, democratic strength, and economic prosperity.

Members will include John N. Gardner as a Council Commissioner and Drew Koch as a Strategic Advisor. They will join the team on June 6, 2023 for the HESA’s first convening. They will support one of HESA and the Gardner Institute’s shared goal of closing equity gaps.

The multi-step initiative will create content, build a network, deliver resources, and develop recommendations to be delivered to the president of the United States and targeted members of government, and higher education leadership by June 2024.

To learn more about HESA, read the HESA Overview and visit